I have a skyrc e660 charger could you please tell me what the settings are for a 8000mah lipo 11.1v 100c - 200c battery

asked by Craig on February 3, 2018

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We are unfortunately not familiar with the specific chargers (most SlyRC chargers are unavailable to US dealers due to the contract SkyRC has with Hitec and the manufacture of their chargers). Regardless, for you battery it depends on what charge rate your packs are rated for and/or what you want to charge at, but most importantly in this case is the charger limitations. At a 1C charge rate, you'd be charging that pack at 8.0 amps, but the E660 tops out at 6.0 amps anyhow. You can charge your pack at 6.0amps not problem.

RCJuice answered on February 4, 2018