Is this esc capable of running a single 3s?

asked by daniel york on March 28, 2018

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If we understand your question, the answer is that the ESC comes wired with one connector for plugging one battery into it. You could wire it up for 2 or 3 connectors if you want, and you could run 1 3S battery or 3 1S batteries if you chose. 3S is 3S no matter how you configure it.

RCJuice answered on March 28, 2018

Yes, it can run 2S through 6S.

RCJuice answered on March 29, 2018

I understand the 2s through 6s. I wanted to know if I can run 1 single battery. Some of these you need to run pairs of batteries.

daniel york answered on March 29, 2018

Thanks thats what I was trying to figure out.

daniel york answered on March 29, 2018