What motor would you recommend for a 1/6 scale shredder v2 for me to put in there and esc iam looking for more speed but dont want high temps

asked by Jabar on November 26, 2020

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You can pair the 4082 with this 200a Leopard ESC:


Keep in mind, gearing plays a significant role in temperatures. If you do not adjust gearing accordingly, you will run the risk of thermal failure no matter what system you use. We always advise people to monitor motor temps closely and gear accordingly.

RCJuice answered on November 27, 2020
Thank you very much really appreciated your help. Will you be getting the 49tooth steel gear back in stock.MPO -019. AND I WOULD LIKE TO ORDER A 20 TOOTH PINION OFF OF YOU ALSO THAT WILL FIT. AND A 18 TOOTH
Jabar riley said on November 27, 2020